The State House News Service reports that the College Republicans were out in front of the State House along with Jeff Beatty to protest Deval Patrick's attempt to jump over the legislature to give in-state tuition to illegal immigrants.
"YOUNG REPUBS PROTEST PATRICK'S ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION POLICIESUS Senate candidate Jeff Beatty, challenging Sen. John Kerry, joined a group of young Republicans Tuesday as they ripped Gov. Deval Patrick's hopes to extend residential tuition rates to illegal immigrants. In the sub-freezing temperatures outside the State House this morning, the group held signs and distributed literature. Patrick has said his administration is exploring how to effect the policy shift without legislation. Massachusetts College Republicans chanted "Deval is out of Touch" and held signs that read "Don't DEVALue our citizenship." "It's going to break the bank," MACR chairman Brian Gwozdz said of in-state tuition for illegal immigrants. "It's obviously a radical proposal." Gwozdz said the college Repbulicans were worried that tuition and taxes would rise if illegal immigrants had in-state tuition."