Friday, February 29, 2008

GOP Convention Needs Your Help

Buckley Cont...

I came across this article by George Nash, author of The Conservative Intellectual Movement in America, (a fantastic book) about William F. Buckley.

Nash had this to say in National Review:

"Consider the statistics. During his nearly 60 years in the public eye, William F. Buckley Jr. published 55 books (both fiction and nonfiction); dozens of book reviews; at least 56 introductions, prefaces, and forewords to other peoples’ books; more than 225 obituary essays; more than 800 editorials, articles, and remarks in National Review; several hundred articles in periodicals other than National Review; and approximately 5,600 newspaper columns. He gave hundreds of lectures around the world, hosted 1,429 separate Firing Line shows, and may well have composed more letters than any American who has ever lived."

Simply amazing. Read more of the Nash article here.

George Bush with Red Sox

The Red Sox were hanging out with George W. Bush this week at the White House celebrating the world series. You can check out more of the pics on our flickr page.

Together We Con

Howie Carr has a recent column:

First look at the poll numbers. According to a new survey this week, Deval’s unfavorability rating is up to 45 percent, compared with 47 percent favorable. Apparently people, especially women, have realized that Together We Can is really Together We Con.

Hillary’s hens are not happy with Deval, of course. But other factors may also be in play. A lot of women pay the family bills. From Deval they were expecting, oh I don’t know, property tax relief maybe. Thirteen months into Deval’s term, unless you’re a hardcore moonbat, it’s the morning after. Which was why he couldn’t deliver Massachusetts to his dear pal, Barack Obama.

Breakfast With Beatty Postponed

Due to the snowstorm tomorrow, the Breakfast with Beatty has been postponed to March 15th.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Greenfield Training

We are out here in Greenfield right now doing a training at the Youth Center and we have a great group of GOP activists here. The Franklin County GOP has a great blog that is starting to turn some heads in western mass. State Committeeman Isaac Mass coordinated this even is recruiting candidates to challenge the Democrat establishment.

I just interviewed Isaac Mass and you can hear the interview on our page.

Beacon Hill GOP Supports Cities and Towns

Our view: 'Rainy day' money should go to cities and towns

Massachusetts Democrats, who have overwhelming majorities in both the House and
Senate, are forever talking about how cities and towns need more local aid from
the state.

So now that they have a chance to provide it, why don't they? A proposal by the tiny Republican minority to use $450 million from the state's Rainy Day Fund for local aid is going nowhere, even though that fund is now at a robust $2.3 billion.

House Minority Leader Bradley H. Jones Jr. says that money was supposed to go to cities and towns in the first place - it was state Lottery money that was earmarked for local aid, but then diverted to the Rainy Day Fund during the last recession.

Coupe Deval

The Weekly Standard Magazine has an article on Deval Patrick:

"Patrick also showed the world that he didn't crave creature comforts only on the road. The Boston Globe reported on his ambitious redesign of the governor's office back in February:

'Governor Deval Patrick spent more than $10,000 on damask drapes for his State House office as part of a $27,387 makeover that also included a new desk, settee, and other furnishings paid for with taxpayer money.'

Don't be fooled by the Globe's vague and contradictory wording. Originally, Patrick didn't spend a cent on damask drapes or the other little touches. The taxpayers footed the bill. Only when the story became public did Patrick once again cut the Commonwealth a check.

As if to underscore the fact that rhetoric matters a lot more on the campaign trail than in the corner office, Patrick capped a year of embarrassments with a 9/11 reminiscence in which he labeled the attacks of that day "mean and nasty" but also "a failure of human beings to understand each other, to learn to love each other."

Read it here.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

you want change?

As you can probably notice by now, MassRoots has a new look. Hope you like it. Also, we are now offering McCain stickers (free) for all of you that want to show your support in Massachusetts.

RNC Chairman Coming To Boston


Sad news today about William F. Buckley passing away.

Here a few quotes from today:
Heritage Foundation:

"Without Bill Buckley there would be no National Review. And without National Review, there would be no conservative movement, no Heritage Foundation, no President Reagan - or an America that's recognizable today."

House Republican Leader John Boehmer:

"America has lost a giant. William F. Buckley was, in large measure, the architect of the modern conservative movement. His intellect, wit, and dedication have inspired generations. In the 1950s, as many in America were moving toward a socialist future of ever-expanding government and ever-decreasing freedom, it took an act of courage and vision to stand athwart history and yell, ‘stop’ as Buckley wrote in the first issue of National Review. As long as America honors the ideals of our Founding Fathers – free speech, freedom of religion, and limited, Constitutional government - his legacy will be cherished."
Ramesh Ponnuru - National Review:

"I believe that he really was indispensable in creating modern conservatism — something that answered that name may have existed without him, and perhaps been just as strong as a political movement, but it would not have taken the form it did. (In particular, it might not have been oriented toward the free market and limited government.) Bill's kindness and generosity of spirit really were remarkable. He was as interested in listening to the college senior to his left as to the former secretary of state to his right. I knew him in his old age, when his answer to the question, "How are you doing?" was likely to be, "Decomposing." Even when his body was weary, though, his eyes retained a preternatural youthfulness. A treatise could probably be written about the role those eyes played in the making of modern America, but I don't have the heart to do it. R.I.P."

Jonah Goldberg - National Review:

"I'm stunned. He will be greatly missed. But we should also remember this was not a life cut tragically short (no matter how much we wish he were still with us). His accomplishments were almost incalculable. As George Will once said, "before there was Ronald Reagan there was Barry Goldwater, before there was Goldwater there was National Review, and before there was National Review there was William F. Buckley." As conservatives — and as Americans — we are all standing on his shoulders. Moreover, William F. Buckley's life was marked by enormous joy. He had a lust for life as well as for letters and debate. He raised a wonderful and accomplished son, loved and was loved by a formidable and beautiful wife, had more friends than he could count — or, in a sense, even know — and will be remembered for generations to come. Sadness is to be expected at times like this, and I certainly feel it. But let's leave room for, if not a celebration, then at least grateful appreciation, of a singularly remarkable life."

Buckley's last book "Cancel Your Own Goddam Subscription" can be found here.


John McCain

"I am very profoundly saddened to hear of the passing of William F. Buckley Jr. and offer my deepest condolences to the Buckley family. Bill had many friends, including my parents, who he even took time to visit when they were stationed at the U.S. Pacific Command in Hawaii. My father and mother very much admired him and so did their son. With Bill’s passing, freedom has lost one of its greatest defenders. Bill was a great American who helped change the course of history. When conservatism was a lonely cause, he bravely raised the standard of liberty and led the charge to renew the principles and values that are the foundation of our great country. A man of tremendous vision and big ideas, he founded the National Review in 1955 and through its pages and his other endeavors, as a lecturer, commentator, debater and author of dozens of books, inspired many and advanced an intellectual rigor that transformed American politics. Bill was an American giant who shall be missed."

Winchester GOP

This morning we had a great breakfast with the Winchester Republican Town Committee and presented them with the demographics of Winchester and a plan to build the committee.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Tired Of Beacon Hill Democrats?

The Boston Globe reports the MassGOP request for a special ethics investigation on Speaker Sal DiMasi.

"As House Speaker Salvatore F. DiMasi yesterday defended and even lauded his own actions, a state Republican Party official asked the Massachusetts Ethics Commission to investigate him for playing golf with a Suffolk Downs executive at the same time the track's owners are vying for a license to operate a casino in East Boston.

Joseph O'Donnell acknowledged playing golf with DiMasi on two recent occasions at a pair of exclusive South Florida clubs. He initially said DiMasi did not pay when he accompanied him to the Floridian Yacht & Golf Club in Palm City, but later told the Globe he would send DiMasi a bill.

"According to your website . . . elected officials may not accept anything worth $50 or more from anyone with whom you have official dealings," Robert Willington, executive director of the Massachusetts Republican Party, wrote to the ethics panel.

"It is well known that Speaker DiMasi has opposed legalized gambling, and Joe O'Donnell has publicly confirmed that he has lobbied in favor of legalized gambling while golfing with Speaker DiMasi," the letter continued.

"The mission of the Massachusetts Ethics Commission is to foster integrity in government and promote public trust," the letter continued. "It is for those reasons . . . that I request an immediate investigation into Speaker Sal DiMasi's activities."

Sunday, February 24, 2008

New Account

We have moved our photos over to flickr. Click the image to check out our pics.

So this is change?

From the Boston Herald:

"Much like Sen. Barack Obama, Gov. Deval Patrick campaigned as an agent of change.

But one look at Patrick’s recent gubernatorial appointments and it’s easy to see that the more things change . . .

In the past couple of weeks, Patrick has unabashedly filled positions with cronies, campaign supporters and consummate Beacon Hill insiders."

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Deval and Barack

Steven Levy Announces for State Senate!

Steven Levy has just announced for the open state senate seat in the Middlesex and Worcester District! Steven is a well regarded City Councilor. The district includes the following communities:

Middlesex County

Sudbury - Pcts. 2, 3, 5

Worcester County

Northborough - Pct. 3

Read more about Steve here:
To learn more, volunteer, and donate to Steve, go to:

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Finance School This Saturday

The MassGOP will be having a finance school this Saturday in Lexington. All candidates, campaign mangers, activists, volunteers, and GOP committee members are not only welcome, but encouraged to attend.

Summary: Once you have completed Campaign 101 (Course or equivalent experience) you as a candidate or fundraiser may want to take this more detailed course on campaign fundraising. We will start with the campaign finance plan, and explore the basic means of raising money. The cost is $10 per person and please RSVP to One Cranberry Hill (at the top of the hill) please walk through the glass doors and proceed straight. Walk down the stairs and the auditorium is on your right. This is not just for candidates, Republican Town Committees need to learn how to raise money as well!
When: Saturday, February 23, 2008 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Where: One Cranberry Hill
Lexington, MA
Who: Brett Kasper -

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Power Of Consultants

Hat Tip to RMG for posting this. Both campaigns hired the same consultant.

ABC News: "Deval Patrick's Timeline Doesn't Mesh with Reality"

Huffington Post: "As Mr. Obama using Mr. Patrick's speech says, "it's only words." Yes, Mr. Obama, words do matter, especially when they're lies."

"Yes We Can" & "Together We Can"

Monday, February 18, 2008

President's Day

Richard Brookhiser in NRO has this article on George Washington.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Do you know Rep Perry?

If you don't know Representative Jeff Perry then this is a good time to meet him. Rep Perry has been a strong Republican voice on Beacon Hill and represents part of Cape Cod. He is having his 2008 campaign kickoff on Friday, March 28 from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm at the Sandwich Hollows Golf Course. The guest speaker will be Republican Minority Leader, Brad Jones.

Donations are greatly appreciated and the food will be great! You can visit Jeff Perry's website here.

Friday, February 15, 2008

GOP Primary Turnout Increases 574% !!!

With all that has happened since the Super Tuesday primary that included Massachusetts, some may not have notice what a great boost that was for our party. On Tuesday, Feb. 5, 496,171 people chose to vote in the Republican primary. How terrific was this? Well, for starters, there were only 486,000 registered Republican in Massachusetts at the start of the year!

The last Presidential primary in Massachusetts in 2004 was uncontested, and the turnout was much lower than usual, as 73,793. The increase from 2004 to 2008 was a whopping 574%! And because thousands of Independents voted in our primary (we won't know the exact number until local communities report to the Secretary of the Commonwealth), we will almost certainly see an increase in the number of registered Republicans in Massachusetts, too!

The Democrats also saw a large increase in their primary, so we cannot take this for granted: However, we can read it as a clear sign that people want two party competition in our state, and that primaries not only decide on who our nominee will be, but also build our party at the grass roots level.

As soon as we get the information from the Secretary of the Commonwealth, we will include the list of who voted in the primary on voter vault, for candidates and town/ward committees to use in identifying supporters.

- Peter Torkildsen

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Lincoln Day Breakfast

"Fall River, drew the largest Republican turnout in more than a decade."

State Committeewoman Linda Rapoza is doing a great job! Read more here.

In Case You Missed It

Republicans on Beacon Hill don't think that we should use projected "revenue" in our budget from something that does not exist. That makes sense.

Boston Herald reports.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Spend, Spend, Spend!

Click the image below to check out the new Obama Spend-O-Meter.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Lincoln Commission

Yesterday, the Middlesex Republican Club sponsored an event at the State House for President Abraham Lincoln and initiated a Bicentennial Commission to plan events for Lincoln's 200th birthday next year. Chairman Torkildsen also spoke of Lincoln at the event yesterday.

Boston Globe reports.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Like Che Guevara?

If you like Che Guevara, then you will love Barack Obama.

At least, that's what Obama staffers think. Check out this video when the camera enters the Obama office in Texas. Hat Tip The Corner.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Acton GOP Voter Vault Training

Last night I was in Action Mass for a Voter Vault Training. We had a good turnout and I want to thank everyone that came. Former State Representative Candidate Kevin Hayes, Marlborough City Councilor Paul Ferro, and State Senate candidate Stephen Levy attended.

If you would like to attend a future training please keep checking our events page on

Thursday, February 7, 2008

new video

Senate GOP Live

It's 3:25 pm on Thursday.

Watch the Senate GOP right now.


Today I want to publicly thank Gov. Mitt Romney and his campaign team for the aggressive and issue-based campaign that he ran in Massachusetts and throughout the country.

Mitt Romney won Massachusetts decisively and finished first or second in almost every race. When he started the campaign, he was little known outside of a few states, but quickly joined the top tier of candidates. He is a realist, and as he suspends his campaign, he can hold his head high for the quality of the campaign that he ran.

I sincerely hope that Mitt Romney will stay active with the Republican Party. He remains a prominent figure to promote our ideals and vision for the future, and with his dedicated organization here in Massachusetts and throughout the country, he will be in great demand to help elect Republicans to office.


Wednesday, February 6, 2008

CLT Action Alert

Here is an action alert from CLT.

This bill, H.2840, will be coming up for a vote today in the House. If adopted, it will go to the state Senate for a vote tomorrow then on to Gov. Patrick for his signature. Call your state representative and senator immediately -- or prepare to pay higher property taxes.

H.2840, Higher Property Taxesinstead of Deval Patrick’s “Property tax relief”
To: Members of the General Court

February 6, 2008

The bill’s sponsor, Rep. Ruth Balser, was noted in this week’s State House News Service stating that “the plan was hatched after both sides of a contentious, successful override vote in Newton got together and brainstormed about ways to help elderly homeowners. ‘We can give municipalities certain options that give them certain flexibility over how they raise revenue,’” she said.

What a coincidence, that Newton will probably be looking for another override this year for its $186 million (for starters) new high school, and needs another “hatched plan” (scheme) to get it to pass – giving seniors a reason to stay home because they won’t have to pay for it. How schemey, how cynical, how cute –as is Mayor Cohen’s insistence that the override isn’t for the school, but for unrelated city operating expenses while Newton builds the most expensive public school edifice in the commonwealth if not the world.

Citizens for Limited Taxation takes second place to no one in its concern for senior citizens facing unaffordable property taxes. When we placed Proposition 2½ on the 1980 ballot, we were especially aware of the relief it would provide seniors and others on fixed incomes.

But some communities are passing overrides without regard to lower- or fixed-income people, of all ages, who cannot afford them. When we created an override provision, we anticipated that it would be used for emergencies and unusual circumstances, not for operating budgets year after year. We did not envision local officials giving their unions extraordinary pension and health insurance benefits that would become “fixed costs,” paid for by taxpayers with high fixed costs of their own.

Though focused on senior citizens, we intended to limit property taxes for all citizens. We are opposed to new bills that give a break to seniors at the expense of young families with mortgages, family healthcare expenses, future college tuition and their own retirement savings. This is clearly meant to encourage seniors to stay home, thereby helping overrides pass – at which time the other burdened taxpayers would have to pick up the seniors’ share of the new higher taxes.

Governor Patrick ran on property tax relief, not higher taxes for everyone but seniors. If this passes, an honorable governor would veto it. But just in case, we appreciate the ongoing support that the Legislature in general has shown for Prop 2½, the senior citizens’ best friend, and hope that you will vote “No” on H.2840.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


If you are at home, jump on WBZTV is here. They will go live at 9pm and 11pm.

Lir - Boston - Tonight

Tonight, the Boston Young Republicans are putting "pub" in Republicans at Lir Irish Pub in Boston.

I will be joining the Young Republicans and I hope to see you there tonight. If you can't make it, I'll be updating MassRoots with pictures (almost in real time) and some audio so be sure to check out our dropio page for clips (maybe even some live streaming if we can get online).

Happy voting.

Update - here is Michael Steele talking about the national YR Super Tuesday election party.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Don't Just Vote

I'm not worried about you voting since you are visiting MassRoots. You are an activist.

However, I bet you know some Republicans that are staying home. Don't let that happen. Call and email all of your Republican friends and remind them how important this GOP primary is.