Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Just Words?

Deval Patrick has a cute story about how he contributed the maximum amount to Barack Obama back when he was running for State Senate.

"Nonetheless, Patrick said he remembers writing a $5,000 check to Obama in the mid-1990s, a hefty sum that would have jibed with the punch line of his story, most recently — and most publicly — recounted in a four-paragraph testimonial he penned for Obama in last week's Time magazine. The issue proffered a list of the world's 100 most influential people, including Obama.

'When at last he decided to run for the Illinois Senate, he called to ask for my help and I was eager to give it," Patrick wrote. ''I'll contribute at the max,' I pledged. 'Deval,' he said, 'in Illinois there is no max.' I said, 'Brother, I'm sorry, there has to be a max.' "

The undocumented donation is not the first contribution controversy involving Patrick.

This story is spreading far and wide.

Just words.