Cahill is in a wee bit of trouble
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
It's Because We Actually Care
GOP: Pay raise? No thanks
Some lawmakers don’t want it
By Nancy Reardon
GateHouse News Service
Dec 26, 2008
BOSTON — State lawmakers may be the only employees in this fiscal crisis actually required to take a pay raise – and some of them don’t want it.
The state Senate’s Republican caucus called for a one-year salary freeze this week for state workers and legislators, the latter of whom receive a constitutionally guaranteed raise every two years.
The governor has some discretion over the raise amount, which must take into consideration the state’s median household income over the two previous years, according to a 1998 amendment to the state constitution.
That means it’s also possible that legislators’ pay could go down.
A spokeswoman for Gov. Deval Patrick said the office is still determining what the raise would be. A recommendation is not due until next week.
According to a statement from the GOP, no state employee should get a pay raise as long as Patrick delays scheduled salary increases for some workers, most notably 30,000 human service providers awaiting a 3 percent raise.
Sen. Robert Hedlund said foregoing the raise would make an even wider statement.
“Unless you’re a Wall Street banker that’s getting bailed out, there aren’t a lot of people in the private sector getting raises this year,” the Weymouth Republican said. “We’re seeing a decline in wages in the U.S., and we’re seeing a shrinkage of the middle class, and public officials’ compensation should reflect what’s going on in the marketplace.”
But some say turning down a raise written into the constitution may be easier said than done.
“What sounds like a good sound byte is actually going to take some work,” said Sen. Michael Morrissey, a Quincy Democrat.
He said lawmakers should consider other alternatives that don’t “single out” legislators or possibly affect other state workers’ retirement plans.
He also noted that some legislators have lucrative jobs and businesses in addition to their congressional work, and others do not.
“I don’t think we should be focusing on the Legislature,” Morrissey said. “We should be looking at the entire problem and a wide array of solutions to the fiscal crisis.”
A spokeswoman for Senate President Therese Murray said the Plymouth Democrat didn’t have any comment on the issue yet.
This year, lawmakers earned $58,237 in base pay. Committee chairmen and vice chairmen earned between $7,500 and $15,000 on top of that, and the House speaker and Senate president receive $35,000 stipends on top of their base pay.
In 2005 and 2007, former Gov. Mitt Romney boosted legislative pay between 4 and 5 percent.
“In the old days, people complained about us voting for our own pay raise,” Morrissey said. “There’s no good way to figure out what a legislative pay raise should be.”
Monday, December 22, 2008
Take It Easy, Bob.
The following was sent to members of the
As you may have heard this weekend, Rob Willington has resigned as Executive Director of the Massachusetts Republican Party.
Rob has been a terrific E.D. this cycle, and is easily one of the most technologically sophisticated ED's anywhere in the country, in any political party. When you look at the advances that the MassGOP made in using technology this cycle, you should think of and thank Rob Willington.
Here is just one example: Rob's plan to make people sign up for a McCain bumper sticker on line led to identifying hundreds of McCain supporters in Massachusetts, many of whom had never worked on a campaign before. With their online contact information, the McCain campaign in
To say this should be a model for future campaigns for President, Governor, and
Rob will be working on bringing Republicans across the country up to speed on the uses of technology to organize and communicate with voters, and elect more Republicans. Given what he was able to do in
Please join me in thanking Rob Willington, and wishing him all the best as he continues to help the Republican Party.
Posted by
3:49 PM
Labels: MassGOP, Peter Torkildsen, Rob Willington
Friday, December 19, 2008
BlogsForJoy was just launched and it's a network of bogs across the political spectrum. From BlueMassGroup to HubPolitics, we all agree that the world can use more joy.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Make Joy This Christmas
So here is a way to do more.
You can help and I am asking you to do so.
The MassGOP currently has a lot of toys that the Marines will soon be picking up, but more should be done and you can help.

The Mass Toys For Tots has a list of their drop-off locations. However, we put this list in google maps to help you visualize where you can go to help.
View Larger Map
Posted by
10:47 AM
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Welcome New Members
Last night the First Suffolk Senate District had a caucus in Dorchester (Boston) to elect two new members of the Massachusetts Republican State Committee.
Joseph Ureneck
Karen MacNutt
KLMacnutt[AT]aol[DOT]comGive them a warm welcome as they are working to build the GOP in Boston.
Posted by
11:15 AM
Monday, December 8, 2008
RTC Links
As you scroll down, you will notice on the right hand side a series of links for Republican Town Committees in Massachusetts.
We must be missing some.
Can you help us identify which Republican Town Committees are active online and email them links to us at FarmTeam[AT]massgop[DOT]com ? Thanks, we appreciate it.
Also, if you notice some sites that are from 1993, can you please let them know that we (the MassGOP) are willing to bring them into the 21st century for free? (be nice of course in your suggestion for an upgrade).
Posted by
10:51 PM
GOP Farm Team Update has been updated with a new post giving you election dates for municipalities across the Commonwealth.
Go check it out, and don't forget to ASK!
Posted by
11:44 AM
Berkshire GOP Christmas party
Join the Berkshire GOP to celebrate Christmas on Tuesday, December 16, from 5:30 - 7 PM in Pittsfield with State Senator Scott Brown.
Posted by
11:01 AM
Sunday, December 7, 2008
You are invited to micro-blog with the MassGOP.
What's Micro Blogging?
It's twitter.
What in the world is twitter?
Posted by
8:59 PM
Christmas Party $50?
The MassGOP is going to have a wonderful Christmas party in Boston on December 10th.
You have 2 options.
1) pay $50 at the door.
2) print out your facebook RSVP and get in for $20.
We really value your personal connection to the MassGOP - you need to RSVP and then print out the invite. Also, bring a unwrapped toy (under $10) to support the Boston Toys For Tots program.
If you are not familiar with facebook, click here to learn a bit and then click on our icon to join.
Merry Christmas!
Posted by
8:31 PM
Thursday, December 4, 2008
MassRoots Goes DC
I'm in Washington DC today for a conference at ATR (Americans for Tax Reform) headed by our very own Grover Norquist.
Posted by
9:56 AM
Monday, December 1, 2008
YOU are needed NOW.
"More than a quarter million toys are needed to avert a blue Christmas for needy children this year, as the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots program in Boston tries to stave off a crisis of soaring requests for help amid plummeting donations."

The cost is $50 payable to the Massachusetts Republican Party to attend.
If you are already out shopping, pick up this toy to bring joy to a child in need this Christmas; you have the ability to warm the heart of a little kid.
If you can not attend the MassGOP Christmas Party, please support the Toys for Tots by visiting this link.
Posted by
10:26 AM