In This Edition
What we're doing
In the news from this week
How you can help
"Foot In Mouth Disease"
The Boston Globe, 4/30/09
On Monday, the Democrat Party voted overwhelmingly to raise the sales tax by 25%, a tax hike that threatens to put families in the poorhouse and small businesses out of business.
As we said to you earlier this week, Governor Patrick deserves zero credit for threatening to veto this tax. If he had his way, we'd have the highest gas tax in the nation. I went on New England Cable News yesterday and made the exact same point.
Again, tell your friends and neighbors: this is NOT a debate over the sales tax, this is a debate over WHICH tax. We need to spread the word far and wide!
Keep sending your feedback to jennifer@massgop.com.
Yours in Victory,
Jennifer A. Nassour,
Chairman - Massachusetts Republican Party
What We're Doing
The Massachusetts Republican Party first wants to extend a big thank you to our friends over at the Western Massachusetts Republican Club. Chairman Kevin Jourdain was kind enough to extend an invitation to MassGOP Chairman Jennifer Nassour earlier this week, and we had a great time on our visit. Nearly 100 committed Republicans filled the dining room at the Wherehouse? in Holyoke - the crowd was great!
Republican Whip Congressman Eric Cantor visits Massachusetts!
On Monday, May 11th, Republican Whip Congressman Eric Cantor of Virginia will be hosting a fundraiser for the Massachusetts Republican Party! To find out more information, please contact Finance Director Lyndsay Jones at ljones@massgop.com or at (617) 523-5005 x234. Congressman Cantor is considered a rising star nationally by the Republican Party and is leading the fight in Congress against President Obama's tax-and-spend liberal agenda. We hope to see you there!
In The News From This Week
MassGOP Chairman Jennifer Nassour appeared on "BroadSide with Jim Braude" on NECN this week to discuss the sales tax hike, and how to bring the Massachusetts Republican Party back in to power in the Commonwealth.
Click Here To Watch The Whole Interview
Keep sending your examples of government waste to MassGOP Communications Director Barney Keller at bkeller@massgop.com. We've been getting great tips!
It's time we take back Beacon Hill - forward this newsletter to everyone you know!
How You Can Help
The Massachusetts Republican Party is no longer soliciting resumes for summer internships. Thank you for all who applied. Please keep your comments and inquiries coming to info@massgop.com.
As always, we are looking for people who want to volunteer at our Boston HQ. If you are interested, please call us at (617) 523-5005.
Quick Links
MassGOP.com - Our Website
RedMassGroup.com - Online community for Massachusetts Republican activists
Scaling The Hill - Blog for the GOP Senate Caucus - Sen. Richard Tisei, Republican Leader
The Capitol View - Blog for the GOP House Caucus - Rep. Bradley H. Jones, Republican Leader
Get in touch!
The Massachusetts Republican Party
85 Merrimac St., Suite 400
Boston, MA
(617) 523-5005
The Honorable Jennifer A. Nassour, Chair - jennifer@massgop.com
State Party Staff:
Executive Director Nick Connors - nick@massgop.com
Finance Director Lyndsay Jones - ljones@massgop.com
Finance Operations Brett Kasper - bkasper@massgop.com
Communications Director Barney Keller - bkeller@massgop.com
Operations Director Kaitlyn Greeley - kgreeley@massgop.com