May 15, 2009
In This Edition
What we're doing
In the news from this week
How you can help
Let's Clean Up Beacon Hill!
We're all in favor of cleaning up the mess on Beacon Hill, but what about cleaning up the garbage in our neighborhoods? I've always said that Republicans should give back to the community, which is why I'm officially declaring Saturday, June 6th a Massachusetts Republican Day of Service!
Join us in volunteering to clean up Massachusetts. My staff and I will be cleaning up DeFilippo Park in the North End along with my staff. If you're in the Boston area, come and join me! We will meet at the Party Headquarters (85 Merrimac Street, Suite 400) at 10:30am. Please contact Kaitlyn Greeley at or at (617) 523-5005 X248 with any questions.
We're asking all of our Republican Town Committees to join in! RTCs all over Massachusetts will be getting involved in local projects by cleaning up parks and focusing on the environmental needs of their local community.
If you're already in an RTC, please be sure to put together a plan and share it with us. Fill out the form located at
The Massachusetts Republican Day of Service is a great way for us to demonstrate the value our party places in public service. We hope you join us in encouraging fellow Republicans and others to help clean up Massachusetts!
Keep sending your feedback to
Yours in Victory,
Jennifer A. Nassour,
Chairman - Massachusetts Republican Party
What We're Doing
1) Please join the Massachusetts Republican Party for a Young Professionals Summer Kickoff! Next week on Wednesday, May 20th, meet us at 6pm at Tia's on the Waterfront, located at 200 Atlantic Avenue. For more information, please contact our Finance Director, Lyndsay Jones, at or at (617) 523-5005 X234.
2) We still have space available at our annual Lincoln Reagan Dinner on June 3rd featuring RNC Chairman Michael Steele! Contact Lyndsay if you're interested or if you know someone who is. This promises to be an exciting event!
The Massachusetts Republican Party still could use your help to get the word out about our Lincoln Reagan Reception - can you volunteer your time to make calls on our behalf? We will be running phone banks from our offices at 85 Merrimac St. in Boston for the Lincoln Reagan Reception from 6-8pm on Tuesday, May 19th. Please RSVP to help out by sending an email to
In The News From This Week
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Boston Globe reported on Tuesday that Governor Patrick takes about six weeks of vacation each year: "That stretch includes many of the 60 weekdays when his daily calendar was empty during his first two years as governor, indicating that he had no official activities scheduled on those days, according to a Globe review of his schedule. Patrick's staff points out that he is always on call and often makes official telephone calls or sends e-mails, even during his down time. Still, the vast majority of the blank weekdays on his calendar corresponded with the governor's known summer vacations in Richmond each year, which were described in press reports at the time or were clustered around holidays such as Christmas and long weekends. The empty pages reflect the equivalent of almost six weeks of vacation or other days containing no official activities per year, a benefit beyond the reach of ordinary workers."
Of course, Deval Patrick has a history of a abandoning Massachusetts during important events
In March, the State House News Service reported that, after announcing a gas tax hike, Governor Patrick left for a weeklong vacation in Jamaica. One Democrat told the Eagle Tribune in February that Governor Patrick also left the state for Washington after announcing his gas tax hike. And who could forget when Patrick left the state the day of the House vote on his failed Casino sign a book deal.
There's more: While Massachusetts was under flood watch last year, Governor Patrick was in Miami, the Associated Press reported last march. And every time Governor Patrick travels, the taxpayers foot the bill: "on every occasion, Patrick is accompanied by a State Police contingent whose airfare, hotels, meals and overtime are charged to taxpayers," according to the Associated Press.
One question remains: How will Governor Patrick campaign for Governor and sell his book in 2010?
Keep sending your examples of government waste to MassGOP Communications Director Barney Keller at We've been getting great tips!
It's time we take back Beacon Hill - forward this newsletter to everyone you know!
How You Can Help
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~We are looking for people who want to volunteer at our Boston HQ. If you are interested, please call us at (617) 523-5005 or email us at
Quick Links
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Our Website - Online community for Massachusetts Republican activists
Scaling The Hill - Blog for the GOP Senate Caucus - Sen. Richard Tisei, Republican Leader
The Capitol View - Blog for the GOP House Caucus - Rep. Bradley H. Jones, Republican Leader
Get in touch!
The Massachusetts Republican Party
85 Merrimac St., Suite 400
Boston, MA
(617) 523-5005
The Honorable Jennifer A. Nassour, Chair -
State Party Staff:
Executive Director Nick Connors -
Finance Director Lyndsay Jones -
Finance Operations Brett Kasper -
Communications Director Barney Keller -
Operations Director Kaitlyn Greeley -