Monday, August 13, 2007

26 Year Old - Youngest Selectman Ever Elected In Westborough

Earlier in the year the Mass GOP reached out to Timothy Dodd when we heard about his campaign for Selectman. In May, Tim ended up winning and we wanted you to know about it.

Why did you decide to run?
I've always had a strong interest in public affairs, and wanted to serve the town where I grew up. At the age of 18, as a high school senior, I was elected as a Trustee of Soldier's Memorials. This experience started my interest in serving in public office, and I went on to earn a degree in political science at American University in Washington, DC. At AU, I was lucky enough to have many internships, including working at the White House and serving on Governor Romney's campaign. Serving as a Selectman was, for me, the next logical step to serve my town as a public servant.

Briefly describe your campaign operation?
At AU, I took part in the Campaign Management Institute, and later worked as the campaign manager for Corey Stewart, who successfully ran for a spot on the Prince William (VA) Board of County Supervisors. These experiences gave me great ideas for my campaign, which I centered on going door to door. Throughout the campaign, I visited over 500 doors, and was able to make new connections, as well as to reconnect with people I have not seen in many years. I followed up going door to door with letters, as well as reminder phone calls. Throughout it all, I stayed on message of bringing a fresh perspective to the Board of Selectman by speaking about issues that mattered to the residents of Westborough.

What was your greatest tool?
The Voter Vault was easily the most important tool that I used during the election. Voter Vault allowed me to create detailed walking lists, which proved invaluable while going door to door. The program also allowed me to create targeted mailing lists.

Tell us about GOP activity in your area?
Westborough is still a relatively Republican town. Although, I believe, Democratic registration has recently slightly surpassed Democratic registration, our three State Representatives are all Republicans. Going door to door, many people asked my party registration, and most were agreeable when I mentioned that I was a registered Republican. While we have a Town GOP Committee, it does not seem to meet on a regular basis. However, I would definitely like to become more involved.

What do you seen in your future?
Well, first and foremost, I look forward to the remainder of my three year term serving the citizens of the Westborough on the Board of Selectman. Public service is in my blood, and I intend in serving the public for many years to come. While I enjoy serving in municipal government, serving in state government would also provide interesting and unique challenges.

What would you like to see the local Republican Town Committees do more/less of?
I would like to see the local Republican Town Committee become more active at all levels of the political process, local, state, and federal. There is a great deal of interest out there; it is just a matter of coming together as a cohesive organization.