Thursday, November 29, 2007

Graham VS Kaufman

Have you heard Michael Graham on 96.9 FM Talk interview Democrat State Representative Jay Kaufman from Lexington?
If not, you must listen to it here. Rep Kaufman is the legislator behind the "no spanking" bill and Michael dishes out a good dose of some "natural truth."

The LexingtonGOP knows Kaufman very well and when they are not helping Brion Cangiamila for State Senate they are looking for a good candidate to challenge Kaufman.

MassGOP Events

Last night there were several events around the state for Massachusetts Republicans in addition to the Congressman Cantor event for the MassGOP. State Representative Paul Frost had a fundraiser with Paul Cellucci and we heard it went really well for Rep. Frost. State Representative Jay Barrows had a fundraiser and over 80 people attended to support our GOP freshman.

Finally, Brion Cangiamila had a fundraiser with some GOP State Senators.

(from left to right: Senator Bruce Tarr, Senator Richard Tisei, future Senator Brion Cangiamila, Senator Scott Brown)

Congressman Eric Cantor

Last night was our last Key Club reception for 2007 and we were treated with Congressman Eric Cantor. Here are some pictures of the event.

Here is Peter introducing Congressman Cantor:

Here is Jeb Bradley with Jim Ogonowski. For those that don't know, Jeb Bradley is running for Congress in New Hampshire.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Illegal Immigrants = In-State Tuition?

The State House News Service is reporting that the debate of granting in-state tuition rates to illegal immigrants is likely to return in 2008. The SHNS noted that Governor Patrick, Senate President Murray, and Speaker DiMasi all support this initiative.

"House Minority Leader Bradley Jones (D-North Reading) said that, despite the removal of a GOP chief executive as a veto threat, national failures on immigration reform efforts have likely cooled top Democrats' appetite for pushing through a politically difficult reform.

'I think despite the fact that the governor, the Senate president, and the speaker are all in favor of it, I think they realize that out amongst the public it's a lead-pipe issue that they don't want to have tied around their waist, or maybe around their neck,' Jones said."
Representative Jones is right. The people do not want this but the Beacon Hill Democrats do and we must not allow them to move forward with this legislation.

Super Tuesday Here We Come.

Boston Herald Reports:

"Stamping out the possibility of hosting a meaningless election, Massachusetts has moved its presidential primary up a month and will be one of 23 states sending voters to the polls on 'Super Tuesday.'"

Monday, November 26, 2007

Kingston Republican Town Committee Online

It looks like the Kingston RTC has got online with their new blog. We have distributed our Guide To Simple Blogging which you can read on MassRootsAction.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

2007 MassGOP Christmas Reception

We would love to see you at our Christmas reception with Governor Paul Cellucci. Please email to rsvp.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

First Thanksgiving Observance

General Thanksgiving

By the PRESIDENT of the United States Of America

WHEREAS it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favour; and Whereas both Houfes of Congress have, by their joint committee, requefted me "to recommend to the people of the United States a DAY OF PUBLICK THANSGIVING and PRAYER, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to eftablifh a form of government for their safety and happiness:"

NOW THEREFORE, I do recommend and affign THURSDAY, the TWENTY-SIXTH DAY of NOVEMBER next, to be devoted by the people of thefe States to the fervice of that great and glorious Being who is the beneficent author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be; that we may then all unite in rendering unto Him our fincere and humble thanksfor His kind care and protection of the people of this country previous to their becoming a nation; for the fignal and manifold mercies and the favorable interpofitions of His providence in the courfe and conclufion of the late war; for the great degree of tranquility, union, and plenty which we have fince enjoyed;-- for the peaceable and rational manner in which we have been enable to eftablish Conftitutions of government for our fafety and happinefs, and particularly the national one now lately instituted;-- for the civil and religious liberty with which we are bleffed, and the means we have of acquiring and diffufing useful knowledge;-- and, in general, for all the great and various favours which He has been pleafed to confer upon us.

And also, that we may then unite in moft humbly offering our prayers and fupplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and befeech Him to pardon our national and other tranfgreffions;-- to enable us all, whether in publick or private ftations, to perform our feveral and relative duties properly and punctually; to render our National Government a bleffing to all the people by conftantly being a Government of wife, juft, and conftitutional laws, difcreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed; to protect and guide all fovereigns and nations (especially fuch as have shewn kindnefs unto us); and to blefs them with good governments, peace, and concord; to promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the increafe of fcience among them and us; and, generally to grant unto all mankind fuch a degree of temporal profperity as he alone knows to be beft.

GIVEN under my hand, at the city of New-York, the third day of October, in the year of our Lord, one thousand feven hundred and eighty-nine.

(signed) G. Washington

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thanks For Nothing

The Legislature fails to get much of anything done this year and Brad Jones along with the House Republicans handed out Thanksgiving cards:

"The office of the House minority leader, Bradley H. Jones Jr., handed the press Thanksgiving cards from 'the Massachusetts Taxpayer' addressed 'To Those in Charge' at the State House. The cards featured a print of Norman Rockwell's famous painting, 'Freedom from Want,' showing a large, happy family sitting down to a big turkey dinner.

'Thanks for Nothing!' the card said inside. 'Where is my property tax relief? What are you going to do to reduce crime and improve our schools?'

Jones said in an interview that moving the primary date is one of the Legislature's few accomplishments this year.

'It used to be that the excuse for why things weren't getting done was that there was a Republican in the corner office,' he said. "Well, they're not there.'"

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Building Continues...

The Massachusetts Republican Municipal PAC has a new website and blog to promote the GOP at the municipal level.

Below is an email that they just sent out regarding their online development. Please get involved with this organization.

Dear Fellow Republican and conservative activists,

We write to you today to announce that the Massachusetts Republican Municipal Coalition PAC has created a website:

Many of you are probably not aware of this PAC, but we seek to financially assist Republican candidates seeking municipal office and Republican local office holders who run for the state legislature.

We need your help to answer questions such as:

Who will run for state representative in your district in 2010? Who will be your state senator in 2016? Is there a plan for if your state representative resigns?

We are drafting a long-term plan to gain ground in the legislature, to build the farm team, and we need your help.

A great many of our GOP legislators were selectmen, school committee members, and city councilors when they made their first runs for the state legislature. The support bases they built while serving at the local level helped them immensely as they worked their way up.

The Democrats have a wide base of activists dominating local government in our cities and towns. Most of Republican candidates for municipal office have to start from scratch. The Massachusetts Republican Municipal Coalition wants to help local candidates right from the start.

We recognize our town committees and state committee are chartered to help candidates all the way up from the local level to US Senate and Congress. It’s a tall order and broad mission. Our PAC will focus exclusively on our task of building this local farm team.

The MRMC is there to help shepherd candidates through their very first races, to provide training and donations, to help them raise their own money. We will help them to build grassroots support, and to provide additional Republican volunteers when they come up short.

Our goal is to create a steady stream of well-qualified, well-known local Republicans, ready and willing to step up to the legislature when opportunities present themselves. We would like to help our current elected officials identify and groom replacements for when they leave their seats. And we want to target weak incumbents for defeat.

Can you help us?

Can you help us identify the Republicans and Democrats, conservatives and liberals in your local government? Can you help us find candidates for local office? Can you help keep us informed of potential opportunities, such as when there is an open seat on a local board?

Can you assist us financially? Your donation of $25, $50, $100, or $500 will help the congressmen of tomorrow become selectmen today. Click here to donate.

Our ten-year plan starts now, and we hope you can answer our call to be a part of it. Please visit our website, donate, and send us information on YOUR local government today. And spread the word by forwarding this email!

Thank you,

Chanel Prunier


Michael Rossettie


Shrewsbury, MA

PS: We will be having our first fundraising reception this January 23rd at the Doubletree Hotel in Westboro, at the intersection of Route 90 and Route 495. Tickets are $50 per person, and can be purchased online here. Thank you.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

MassGOP update on RMG

I just wrote a post on RedMassGroup updating everyone with our progress. To read the post click on the RMG logo.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Thank The Troops with a Text on Thanksgiving

From TechRepublican.

"This Thanksgiving, I'm hopeful that you will join me in thanking our troops and their families who are serving overseas.

It's simple to participate and make a difference. In fact beginning at 6 am EST on Saturday, November 17, and ending at midnight PDT on November 22, Americans can text a message of thanks to 8-9-2-7-9.

Within seconds, the sender will receive a reply on his or her cell phone from America Supports You (ASY). The message will come from a member of the armed forces or a family member of someone who is serving, who will express his or her appreciation for the support, both personally and on behalf of others who are serving.

And it works. I sent my text message a few minutes ago and received two replies from soldiers serving in Iraq."

Friday, November 16, 2007

Reminder - Get Creative!

The MassGOP would love to see a question presented from a Massachusetts Republican at the CNN/YouTube debate on November, 28th.

Do you have what it takes to ask a creative question (or a traditional question in a creative way?)

I think you do.

Eearmark Reform - Jim DeMint

US Senator Jim DeMint has started 100,000 Strong for Earmark Reform. If you agree, feel free to sign up.

Hot Cakes

So far, the best selling item in the MassGOP store is this bumper sticker.

Don't forget about our store when doing your shopping this winter for your fellow Republicans. What says "I love you" more than this Vote Red throw pillow?.... that's right. Nothing.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Mark Hutchinson - GOP Melrose Campaign

Mark Hutchinson had a fantastic campaign kick-off in Melrose tonight. Mark has a loyal team behind him and there was a lot of energy for him tonight.

Well over 100 people showed up tongiht on this rainy night for Mark.

Here is a quick video clip of Mark tonight.

Building The Farm Team

Congratulations to Mark Hawk winning election as Mayor of Gardner by the stunning margin of 71-29 percent, against the incumbent Democrat!

Mark is well known as a Republican activist in Gardner, and the incumbent made party affiliation the major theme of his campaign. Mark talked about the need for change, and ran a textbook campaign, targeting his vote, and making sure his supporters showed up on Election Day. Please join me in congratulating the newest Republican mayor in Massachusetts!
-Peter Torkildsen

Building The Farm Team

City Councilor Paul Ferro knows how to win elections. Paul along with Stephen Levy, the Marlborough GOP Chair are doing great things. Paul is also reviving the Worcester Young Republicans and I had the pleasure of attending their first event last month.

MassRoots interviews Paul Ferro, enjoy!

Paul, first congrats on the victory. With the Democrats targeting your seat, you were able to hold on and get reelected as city councilor in Marlborough. Can you explain who your opponent was and what the Democrats did?

Thank you for taking the time to talk about my campaign. I represent Ward Two here in Marlborough. Ward Two has a population of approximately 5,000 with 2,800 voters. So in terms of size, my district is comparable to many towns in eastern and central Massachusetts.

We have non-partisan races for municipal office, but being the former chairman of Marlborough’s Republican Party, I am well know as being a Republican.

In this last election, the Democratic State Representative’s former Legislative aide challenged me. The Marlborough Democratic Party, and the State Representative made a concerted effort to defeat me. My challenger’s literature highly touted her work as the State Representative’s aide, and had multiple photos’ of her and the Representative. In addition, he personally called voters to ask them to support her, display a lawn sign, and/or place one of her bumper stickers on their cars. Her donor list was a who’s-who of Marlborough Democrats, including the Democratic Party Chairman, the Representative, the Representatives Father-in-law, etc. The Democratic Congressman (Jim McGovern) also personally went door-to-door in my ward drumming up support for her and other Democratic candidates. He also gave her a substantial donation from his PAC.

Just as one example, my campaign estimated afterwards that 90% of her lawn sign locations were locations that had previously displayed a sign for either the State Representative, or the Congressman.

The Marlboro RTC is very active, how many other Republicans are elected in Marlborough?

We now have four Republicans on the City Council, including the Council President. There are six Democrats, and one independent that leans Republican. We also have one seat on the School committee. By comparison, when I became Chairman of the GOP in Marlborough in 2001, there where two-registered Republican elected officials.

So we have definitely been headed in the right direction in getting Republicans elected here in Marlborough.

What helped your campaign bring you to victory?

I cannot express what a great tool VoterVault is. Over the years, the Marlborough GOP made an effort to compile the voter turnout lists for Marlborough elections, and put them into a usable database. VoterVault provides the same data with only a few mouse clicks.

The access to phone numbers greatly eased my turnout efforts. On Election Day, my phone list of target voters for making GOTV calls became corrupted, but thanks to VoterVault, I was able to re-create it in minutes instead of hours!

Using VoterVault, I was able to easily household the voter list for my ward (a tough task to do!) so I could target my mail to households as opposed to individual voters. Voter vault also adds the Zip +4 which speeds mail delivery, particularly bulk mail, immensely. My mail would be dropped in the mail by my printer in Woburn at 7PM on Friday, and be in my mailbox in Marlborough by 1PM Saturday.

The walking lists you can create using VoterVault made my door-knocking and literature drops more effective, as I could easily skip houses on a street without a voter, or that where actually outside my district.

I know from experience of having to create my own database for my prior campaigns how much easier VoterVault can make it on a campaign for Ward Councilman or Congress to reach voters. It will only get better with time.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Hutchinson Campaign Kick Off

Mark Hutchinson
will kick-off his campaign for State Rep on Thursday,

November 15, 2007 from 7:00-9:00 PM at The Melrose Knights of Columbus,
23 West Foster Street. Tickets are $25.00 per person and available at
the door.

Mark is challenging for an open seat due to the resignation of Mike
Festa. The district is made of the entire City of Melrose and Precincts
3,4,5 and 6 of Wakefield.

Please send your contributions to the Mark Hutchinson campaign at 193
Green Street, Melrose, Ma. 02176.

"Spending Problem"

The Boston Herald reports today that Patrick's budget chief says state could face $1.3 Billion deficit.

"Kirwan cautioned that the state is early in its budget process - she will not file a spending proposal until Jan. 23 - but she made clear yesterday that the projected $1.3 billion deficit is a minimum number that could grow significantly in the months ahead.

'In the short run, we have a spending problem,' she said, referring to growth in health-care costs and other preprogrammed expenses that are expanding faster than state tax revenues."


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Left Wing Marzilli Takes On Cangiamila

I'm here at the Brion Cangiamila campaign headquarters right now and it's primary night. Brion is not challenged but the Democrats had several candidates run.

State Representative Jim Marzilli who represents the far-left of his party won the election tonight. Here are the unofficial results from tonight:

Marzilli - 6,631
Donnelly - 4,438
Murphy - 3,574
Natale - 2,599

Contact Matt right now with the Brion Cangiamila campaign. He can be emailed at matt@brionforsenate and ask him how you can be involved! The election is December 11th.

"Loose Lips Sink Patrick Ships"

Monday, November 12, 2007

Marlborough GOP

The Marlborough GOP has a great committee chaired by Stephen Levy. Here is what they mailed out to Republicans for their local election last Tuesday.

You too can do this. Feel free to contact us at and request info to MassRootsAction to get access to our Republican Town Committee Action Packet.

"I am a disappointed Democrat"

"I beg Gov. Patrick to stop the railroad or at least have some compassion and call in an air strike on the middle-to-low-income taxpayer and finish us off quickly. Don't leave us on the side of the road dying of overtaxation. This is a clear case of the rich man doing the dancing while the poor man pays the band."

Continue To Read Here.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Thank You Veterans

Thank you to all of the men and women in our armed forces who have given so much. Today, we remember you and thank you for your sacrifice.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

PAAP - Patrick Administration Abusing Power

The Boston Globe writes about the MassGOP ethics complaint which was filed yesterday. For those of you that don't know, a Patrick Administration official pressured the employer of a Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency board member to seek his resignation. The employer, Rockland Trust Co., is regulated by the Patrick Administration, putting the bank in the position to either seek its employee's resignation from the MassHousing board or worry about retribution from the Administration.

"The Patrick administration declined to comment on Nickley's intentions to file an ethics complaint or a separate Ethics Commission complaint over the same matter filed yesterday by the state Republican Party.

'People who volunteer for boards should not have to fear their public service will jeopardize their private employment if they run afoul of an out-of-control, power-hungry administration," said Robert Willington, the GOP executive director. 'And private employers should not have to fear retribution from state government when their employees serve on boards of public agencies.'"

Friday, November 9, 2007

West Springfield - Growing the Farm Team.

Here is State Committeewoman Jeanne Boynton and Paul Boudo who recently won reelection to the City Council of West Springfield Last Tuesday. Both Jeanne and Paul attended the Voter Vault training in Southwick this past week (thank you Jeanne for setting it up).

Paul is a fan of Voter Vault and he used it very well on his campaign. Below is an email that he sent me after his Tuesday victory.

From: Paul Boudo
Sent: Wed 11/7/2007 4:55 PM
To: Robert Willington
Subject: Voter Vault Mailing List . . .


Well the 2007 Town Election is history here in West Springfield. We had a 35.2% voter turn out and I was re-elected to my fourth term as a Councilor At Large.

The mailing list you helped me create using Voter Vault was successful. We mailed 3,500 post cards to voting families and received many compliments and VOTES because of it.

Thanks again for your help.



Paul, we thank you for carrying the GOP banner in Massachusetts. You ran a great campaign in West Springfield and we know you will continue to serve your constituents well.

Welcome Ward 9!

Jim Keeney has organized Ward 9 in Boston for the GOP and we are happy to see this committee come alive.

You can reach Jim at to give him your words of encouragement and thank him for Growing Our Party!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Building The Farm Team

There were many GOP victories at the municipal level on Tuesday and we were happy to work with a number of them. This past spring we began working with local candidates and got them on Voter Vault. We spent hours on the phone with some of these candidates walking them through voter vault and analyzing their district so that they could have a targeted message and contact the right voters enough times. It paid off.

Stay tuned. We hope to profile some of these candidates.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Brookfield GOP

Last night we had a Voter Vault training with the Brookfield Republican Town Committee along with members of surrounding GOP committees. Former State Representative candidate Stephen Comtois put the training together and the feedback from the attendees was great.

Tomorrow (Thursday night) I will be in Southwick at 6:30 pm for another Voter Vault training.

Please email if you are interested in this training or if you would like to schedule one in your area.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Cangiamila Campaign

I'm here at the Cangiamila campaign headquarters right now in Woburn (13 Montvale Ave). Things are moving well and here are two volunteers working hard to help Brion.

Hull GOP

Last night, I had the pleasure of meeting with the Hull Republican Town Committee. They have a very dedicated group, signed up a new member, and have great plans to Grow Our Party in Hull.Of course, I brought my laptop and projector and set up the training center right in the Ocean Club Restaurant. The owner of the Ocean Club is a Republican and she was very welcoming and she showed me the Ocean Club restaurant web cam.

The Hull Republican Town Committee has a website and they are looking to start a blog soon.

Tonight, I will be meeting with the Brookfield Republican Town Committee and other surrounding committees to review Voter Vault.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Rep Jeff Perry, Helping Our Veterans.

Political Notes: Christmas cards will be sent to Walter Reed

State Rep. Jeffrey Davis Perry, R-Sandwich, will collect and distribute Christmas and holiday cards for wounded American soldiers as part of a program at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C.

Perry will forward cards directly to wounded solders recovering at Walter Reed.

Beginning this week, people can drop off cards addressed to "Recovering American Soldier" at Perry's district office, 449 Route 6A in East Sandwich.

The deadline is Dec. 1.

Perry will cover the costs of mailing the cards.

Regular office hours are held from 2 to 4 p.m. each Friday. If you cannot stop by during normal office hours, you can call the office at 508-888-2158 to arrange a convenient time to drop off cards.

"I believe we always need to express our appreciation for the sacrifices our armed forces have made for our country. Christmas and the holidays can often be a lonely time for those serving in the military, especially those in a medical facility, and I believe we can do our part by sending them cards expressing our support and gratitude for their service," Perry said.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

What Is Your Question MassGOP? is a great service to give you a chance to ask the Presidential candidates any question that have always wanted to ask.

So go ahead and ask your question. Your question will then be voted on and the top 10 questions will be presented to the Presidential candidates to answer!

Saturday, November 3, 2007


The MassGOP has finally joined the world of Twitter.

From wikipedia:
Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that allows users to send "updates" (text-based posts, up to 140 characters long) to the Twitter website, via short message service, instant messaging, email, or an application such as Twitterrific.

Updates are displayed on the user's profile page and instantly delivered to other users who have signed up to receive them.

Prominent Twitter users include US presidential candidates John Edwards and Barack Obama[5], and author and journalist Anna David[6] (as well as many others).
You can join us over at twitter if you want to stay connected with the Massachusetts Republican Party.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

MassGOP Gear

As many of you know, we are asking Republican Town Committees to act less like a committee and more like a campaign. We mention this in our RTC Action Packet which you can download on our intranet, MassRootsAction.

We are proud to launch our online store where you can order MassGOP gear for you to use and wear proudly. If you have any creative ideas on future GOP products, please email us at

State Senator Scott Brown

We caught State Senator Scott Brown outside of the State House this week and he is a busy guy. When Fox 25 news saw him, they yelled across the street to get him on camera for a few minutes.

Senator Brown then bumped into former Speaker, Tom Finneran. Senator Brown was updating the Speaker on his new legislation to help track veterans that return home to ensure they receive the money they earned.
According to the State House News Service:

"Roughly half the 27,000 Massachusetts soldiers eligible to receive the 'welcome home' bonuses the state approved for veterans of ongoing conflicts are collecting their checks, a rate that has lawmakers trying to boost participation.A new bill, which authors say must become law quickly in order to be effective next year, would add a check-off box to income tax forms for veterans to submit in order to trigger the benefits, which range from $500 to $1,000. "

Here is a recent article about the legislation. Call Senator Brown and thank him for helping our veterans at (617) 722-1555.

Here is a video of State Senator Scott Brown outside of the State House.