Saturday, November 17, 2007

Thank The Troops with a Text on Thanksgiving

From TechRepublican.

"This Thanksgiving, I'm hopeful that you will join me in thanking our troops and their families who are serving overseas.

It's simple to participate and make a difference. In fact beginning at 6 am EST on Saturday, November 17, and ending at midnight PDT on November 22, Americans can text a message of thanks to 8-9-2-7-9.

Within seconds, the sender will receive a reply on his or her cell phone from America Supports You (ASY). The message will come from a member of the armed forces or a family member of someone who is serving, who will express his or her appreciation for the support, both personally and on behalf of others who are serving.

And it works. I sent my text message a few minutes ago and received two replies from soldiers serving in Iraq."