Friday, November 9, 2007

West Springfield - Growing the Farm Team.

Here is State Committeewoman Jeanne Boynton and Paul Boudo who recently won reelection to the City Council of West Springfield Last Tuesday. Both Jeanne and Paul attended the Voter Vault training in Southwick this past week (thank you Jeanne for setting it up).

Paul is a fan of Voter Vault and he used it very well on his campaign. Below is an email that he sent me after his Tuesday victory.

From: Paul Boudo
Sent: Wed 11/7/2007 4:55 PM
To: Robert Willington
Subject: Voter Vault Mailing List . . .


Well the 2007 Town Election is history here in West Springfield. We had a 35.2% voter turn out and I was re-elected to my fourth term as a Councilor At Large.

The mailing list you helped me create using Voter Vault was successful. We mailed 3,500 post cards to voting families and received many compliments and VOTES because of it.

Thanks again for your help.



Paul, we thank you for carrying the GOP banner in Massachusetts. You ran a great campaign in West Springfield and we know you will continue to serve your constituents well.