Monday, December 31, 2007

Are You On Slatecard?

Slatecard is a new way for Republicans to donate to candidates that they identify with and it's a fantastic concept. I had the opportunity to meet with David All, the founder of Slatecard in DC last summer. David had some nice words to say about the MassGOP and he is doing great work building a community for GOP activists to utilize. We encourage you to get on Slatecard and join the growing movement to make a difference.

HumanEvents had this to say about Slatecard: " attempts to use the same technique that has helped to advance campaign fundraising in record amounts for Barack Obama called 'baby-bundling.' Baby-bundling, All explained, is what happens when people support candidates in smaller donations, but by encouraging others in their network (by way of internet) to support their chosen candidates as well, accumulate larger amounts through these smaller donations."

From the website:

Get started right now building your very own Slatecard to help support the Republican campaigns and committees that matter most to you. When it's complete, you can promote your Slatecard with your network on your website, myspace, and facebook and start making a difference today. Click here to create your Slatecard.
From a recent Slatecard email:
84 days ago, we launched, a revolutionary utility to help the Right catch up with the Democrats with regard to online grassroots fundraising.

We kept it simple, focusing solely on providing a superior technology never before realized in Republican online politics. We provided a platform for the community that worked. (And then we got out of the way to let the community grow and take control.)
While we're pleased with what we've accomplished, we are not resting on our laurels.

We are dedicated to defeating Democrats at every turn and will continue to provide the technology Republicans need to compete on the modern campaign trail.
But, as you know, we can't do it alone.

Tell your friends about Slatecard. Ask your Congressman if he/she is using Slatecard to process donations (we're the most cost-effective solution on the market). Email your Slatecard link to your friends and ask them to contribute to your candidates. Add your Slatecard widget to your blog.

Together, we will continue to revolutionize Republican politics. Promise.

Happy New Year,

David All
Executive Director PAC