Sunday, December 9, 2007

Boston Globe

The Boston Globe wrote about the Special Election for State Senate. Here are a few quotes:

" 'Republicans, who hold five seats in the 40-member Senate, are excited about Cangiamila.' He is a fantastic candidate. He's a great person," said Rob Willington, executive director of the state Republican Party. 'The more he's out on the campaign trail, the stronger his campaign has become.' "

"But Democratic analysts say it's hard to conceive of anything but a Marzilli victory."

" 'I just don't see how a Republican wins that district,' said Goldman, a longtime adviser to local, state, and national Democrats and who is friends with Marzilli but not affiliated with his campaign. 'It would be larger than a miracle.' "

Yes, Brion is the underdog but this race is winnable and we need GOP activists to help. Call Matt at 508-450-4135 and get connected. The election is this Tuesday.