The Boston Globe wrote about the Special Election for State Senate. Here are a few quotes:
" 'Republicans, who hold five seats in the 40-member Senate, are excited about Cangiamila.' He is a fantastic candidate. He's a great person," said Rob Willington, executive director of the state Republican Party. 'The more he's out on the campaign trail, the stronger his campaign has become.' ""But Democratic analysts say it's hard to conceive of anything but a Marzilli victory."
" 'I just don't see how a Republican wins that district,' said Goldman, a longtime adviser to local, state, and national Democrats and who is friends with Marzilli but not affiliated with his campaign. 'It would be larger than a miracle.' "
Yes, Brion is the underdog but this race is winnable and we need GOP activists to help. Call Matt at 508-450-4135 and get connected. The election is this Tuesday.