Today, Senate Minority Leader Tisei has a great Op-Ed in the Globe.
So what is Patrick's solution to this problem? Raise taxes, of course. Local businesses already face high taxes. With added costs under the new universal healthcare law, an unemployment insurance rate increase, and a host of other expenses, the cost of doing business in Massachusetts is higher than ever, and now Patrick is pushing hard to close phantom corporate tax "loopholes." That's one gift the state's business community would like to get a receipt for -- so they can return it.Businesses aren't the only group to end up on the governor's naughty list this year. Despite Patrick's free-spending ways, there are many who are receiving the proverbial coal in their stocking this Christmas.
Consider the state's taxpayers. If you've been waiting for Patrick to make sure the state fulfills its commitment to roll back the income tax rate to 5 percent, you'll have to wait some more. But hey, Massachusetts residents have been waiting 18 years to see the "temporary" tax increase rescinded, so what's a little longer?
If you're a homeowner, you're probably wondering what happened to the property tax relief Patrick promised over and over during his election campaign. You certainly won't find it under the tree this year, but what you will find is proposals for higher taxes on meals and higher taxes on hotel rooms. Taxes: the gift that keeps on giving.