Monday, December 31, 2007

Are You On Slatecard?

Slatecard is a new way for Republicans to donate to candidates that they identify with and it's a fantastic concept. I had the opportunity to meet with David All, the founder of Slatecard in DC last summer. David had some nice words to say about the MassGOP and he is doing great work building a community for GOP activists to utilize. We encourage you to get on Slatecard and join the growing movement to make a difference.

HumanEvents had this to say about Slatecard: " attempts to use the same technique that has helped to advance campaign fundraising in record amounts for Barack Obama called 'baby-bundling.' Baby-bundling, All explained, is what happens when people support candidates in smaller donations, but by encouraging others in their network (by way of internet) to support their chosen candidates as well, accumulate larger amounts through these smaller donations."

From the website:

Get started right now building your very own Slatecard to help support the Republican campaigns and committees that matter most to you. When it's complete, you can promote your Slatecard with your network on your website, myspace, and facebook and start making a difference today. Click here to create your Slatecard.
From a recent Slatecard email:
84 days ago, we launched, a revolutionary utility to help the Right catch up with the Democrats with regard to online grassroots fundraising.

We kept it simple, focusing solely on providing a superior technology never before realized in Republican online politics. We provided a platform for the community that worked. (And then we got out of the way to let the community grow and take control.)
While we're pleased with what we've accomplished, we are not resting on our laurels.

We are dedicated to defeating Democrats at every turn and will continue to provide the technology Republicans need to compete on the modern campaign trail.
But, as you know, we can't do it alone.

Tell your friends about Slatecard. Ask your Congressman if he/she is using Slatecard to process donations (we're the most cost-effective solution on the market). Email your Slatecard link to your friends and ask them to contribute to your candidates. Add your Slatecard widget to your blog.

Together, we will continue to revolutionize Republican politics. Promise.

Happy New Year,

David All
Executive Director PAC

Friday, December 28, 2007

Torkildsen RMG Post

Chairman Torkildsen has a post over at RedMassGroup regarding Patrick's over-spending.

"How can the Patrick administration turn a $450 million surplus into the need to borrow $1.2 billion for local aid (and another $200 million for "other" spending)in six months? A spokesperson for the treasurer said the Commonwealth was borrowing "sooner and more" than it had in the past."

State Senator Scott Brown

From the Tufts Daily:

"In an appearance last night in Eaton Hall, Brown advocated for a plan that would withdraw the Massachusetts' Pension Reserves Investment Management Board's (PRIMB) funding for corporations that do business in Iran. This would lead to around $1.1 billion worth of divestment."

" 'Brown feels that such a passive approach will be ineffective. 'We have all this money that we are investing in Iran,' he said. 'There comes a time when you've go to stand up and make a choice.' "

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Senate GOP

You might think, being outnumbered 35 to 5, the GOP wouldn’t be able to get much done in the Massachusetts Senate. As the Senate’s Minority Leader, I can tell you that the Senate Republican Caucus has been working very hard this session to fulfill its role as a government watchdog and to protect the interests of the state’s taxpayers.

Whether safeguarding the public’s hard-earned money, shining a light on some of the more egregious proposals put forth by the Democratic majority, or providing a counterpoint to the governor’s liberal tendencies, Caucus members can point to many positive accomplishments in 2007, and look forward to carrying forth the GOP message of fiscal restraint in 2008.

For a full report on the Caucus’ activities this past year, visit our official website, MassSenate . As always, we welcome your thoughts and suggestions.


Saturday, December 22, 2007

Shirley RTC Making A Difference

The Shirley Republican Town Committee has been very active lately and has been doing some great work. We think they deserve a little recognition for making a real difference in their communities and overseas. Kendra Dumont is the Shirley RTC Chair and she has been working with former State Representative candidate Kevin Hayes - what a team!

1) Loaves & Fishes

"On Saturday, the day before operation cookie drop, the SRTC did a collection for our local food pantry (Loaves & Fishes) we collected several hundred dollars worth of food. The Holidays are the busiest of times for most area residents, sharing the best that this time of year has to offer with family and friends, planning family festivities and looking forward to giving and getting.

There are those among us who do not share these feelings of joy and celebration, rather they are concerned with providing a meal and some small gift to those near and dear to them. Our local papers brought our attention to those in need and a organization willing to provide that service.

The Shirley Republican Town Committee, with the help of a caring community answered the call and its members got to experience, first hand, the truest meaning of the holidays. On December 1st , Republican Town Committee members organized by the Chair, Kendra Dumont, traveled throughout Shirley, Ayer and as far away as Acton and Westford picking food items up from people who wanted to give a little something to those with a little less. Arriving at the local Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry in mid-afternoon an entire pick-up truck full of donated items including Turkeys, Dry goods, Fruit Juices, Pastas, Cereal, canned fruits and vegetables and much more was released to a grateful Loaves and Fishes staff.

Committee members got a tour of the facility and found out that Loaves and Fishes supports 7 surrounding communities, not only with food, but educational opportunities, health initiatives, clothing, and during the Holiday Season provides toys for parents to give to their children as well as gift items for children to give to their parents. Kendra Dumont observed that not many people are aware of all the outstanding services that are provided and was especially touched by the gift area and stated that this committee will endeavor to help again. She also expressed grateful appreciation to all those that gave in support of this effort and will be sending a personal thanks from the committee to those who gave of their time and money to make another families holidays a special time."

2) Operation Cookie Drop

Left to Right:

Bruce Novak - RTC Member
Jeanne Kangas - Vice Chair, Mass Republican Party
Kendra Dumont - Chair, Shirley RTC
April Cole - Friend of the RTC
Col. Michael Belcher - Cdr. 25th Marine Regiment, Devens RFTA (Attended to show support for the effort)
Lucy Lindley - RTC Member
Kevin Hayes - RTC Treasurer
Mark Prow - RTC Member

"Off in some distant corner of Iraq, in harms way, a group of some two hundred United States Marines will be receiving special holiday packages which will hopefully make a brief period of their 24/7 lives a little bit special, let them know complete strangers support and care about them, and give them a taste of home for the holidays. The Shirley Republican Town Committee, chaired by Kendra Dumont and a group of concerned citizens from Ayer lead by Ed Orr worked tirelessly over the last month to insure these particular Marines were not forgotten. Caring individuals from all over central Massachusetts responded, along with local business’s to help our troops.

On December 2nd, we had over 35 volunteers gather in two rooms provided by Michael Egan, Director of Sales and Marketing, Devens Common Center and packed and vacuum sealed over three hundred dozen home baked cookies, so that each Marine would receive at least one dozen. These cookies were then boxed with assorted personal care items. Twenty of these containers received special treatment and specific items, from Kendra Dumont and some of the other female volunteers as these boxes were for 20 female Marines assigned to this unit. Snack items are a big hit according to the Unit 1st Sgt. So hot cocoa, single coffee and tea packets, pringles, slim jims, gum and other assorted items were used to fill each individual bag.

We wanted the Marines to have a complete holiday experience. Hundreds of holiday cards were mailed courtesy of the Mary Rowlandson Elementary School in Lancaster and Page Hilltop Elementary School, and Ayer Middle School. Each and every donation was of value in particular the financial contributions as the shipping costs - all 125 boxes exceeded eleven hundred dollars!

In addition to the gracious donation of the space both Ed. Orr and Kendra Dumont wanted to extend thanks to the following business’s and individuals that made this event a success; Lancaster Teachers, Renee Robinson, Gail Sticklor and Nancy Kulis, Page Hilltop Kindergarten teacher Mrs. Adamson, and several other Ayer Page Hilltop and Middle School teachers, American Family Link of Leominster, Custom Courier, DCU, Devens Grill, HUB International, Hannafords of Lunenburg and Ayer, Prokowiew Electrical, Sentry Security/Investigations, Shirley Town Republican Committee, Snip-its Hair Salon, Kath B Hair, Spring Hill Marriott, Devens Common Center, Thelma Dumont, Ed/Jenn Orr, Beth Grant, Robbi Orr, Laurie/Kevin Hayes, Kendra/Bryan Dumont, Elaine/John/John III and Lauren Gailey, Mark Prokowiew, Doug Crossman, Kay/John Tohline, Sharon/Jim Lucchesi, Dan/Karen Rau, Pam/Warren Bisson, Penny/Rich Halpin, Bruce/Gina Novak, Pauline Conley, Maria Delrosario, Brian Burke, Kathy Burgintino, Katrina Grossi, Jeanne Kangas, John Conney, Dottie Hoare, April Cole, Kate/Steve Cantwell, Lucie Lindley, Elizabeth/Steve Grant, Rene Zajon, Paul Wilson, Kathy/Ray Bergantino.

We especially want to thank St. Anthonys in Shirley and Father Derosia for supplying and blessing religious medals for the troops.

The appearance of Colonel Belcher, Commanding Officer of the 25th Marine Regiment, Devens RFTA provided a much welcomed moral lift to the 30 to 35 volunteers. The Colonel stayed for the entire event, and at the conclusion of the event, he presented Ed Orr coordinator of the Ayer Volunteer effort and Kendra Dumont, Chair Shirley Republican Town Committee, coordinator of the Shirley effort, a Commanders Coin and Marine Coffee mug in appreciation of the total effort.

Each participant also received a certificate of Appreciation from the Command group of the Massachusetts American Legion. A special thanks is offered to the entire staff at the Ayer Post Office for their assistance in planning, setting up an appointment, and processing the 125 boxes."

Friday, December 21, 2007

Republican Unity Trumps Democratic Momentum

From the New York Times.

“A year into ‘the wilderness,’ our Republican team has scored legislative and political victories that no one — no one — could have predicted a year ago,” Representative John A. Boehner of Ohio, the Republican leader, wrote in a confidential memorandum distributed to Republican House members.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

"Holiday" lights vs Global Warming

The Great Barrington Massachusetts Board of Selectman are on a warpath for global warming. They have banned "Holiday" lights.

Check out the video here.

Tanya DeGenova In The Race for Rep

The other day Chairman Torkildsen and myself had the pleasure of meeting with Tanya DeGenova. Tanya has decided to run for State Representative to replace Doug Petersen (D-Marblehead) in the Special Election in March for the 8th Essex District (Marblehead, Swampscott, Lynn).

Tanya has spent twenty-five years of public service as an FBI agent, and she also consulted two years to the military in Germany in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and worked as a Red Cross Volunteer at the Landstuhl RMC in Landstuhl, GE from 2003-2005 taking care of our wounded soldiers.

If you recognize Tanya's picture above, it's because she was in a few recently posted pictures attending the Boston Young Republican event with Charlie Baker.

Governor just keeps on giving

Today, Senate Minority Leader Tisei has a great Op-Ed in the Globe.

So what is Patrick's solution to this problem? Raise taxes, of course. Local businesses already face high taxes. With added costs under the new universal healthcare law, an unemployment insurance rate increase, and a host of other expenses, the cost of doing business in Massachusetts is higher than ever, and now Patrick is pushing hard to close phantom corporate tax "loopholes." That's one gift the state's business community would like to get a receipt for -- so they can return it.

Businesses aren't the only group to end up on the governor's naughty list this year. Despite Patrick's free-spending ways, there are many who are receiving the proverbial coal in their stocking this Christmas.

Consider the state's taxpayers. If you've been waiting for Patrick to make sure the state fulfills its commitment to roll back the income tax rate to 5 percent, you'll have to wait some more. But hey, Massachusetts residents have been waiting 18 years to see the "temporary" tax increase rescinded, so what's a little longer?

If you're a homeowner, you're probably wondering what happened to the property tax relief Patrick promised over and over during his election campaign. You certainly won't find it under the tree this year, but what you will find is proposals for higher taxes on meals and higher taxes on hotel rooms. Taxes: the gift that keeps on giving.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


The RNC has just launched the new and the site is very good. The new site is embracing web 2.0 with facebook, myspace, youtube, and even MyGOP.

The new has video of RNC Chairman Mike Duncan welcoming you to the new site. This is similar to what we are doing with but instead of one of us at party headquarters welcoming you, we want you to welcome you.

Deval's Year In Review - Boston Herlad

Here is what Brad Jones had to say regarding Deval Patrick's first year in office:

“The year in review was lackluster, nondescript and left a lot of unanswered questions,” said Jones (R-North Reading).

“You can make an argument that we got less done with one-party government than when we had two parties,” he said.

More here.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Government Getting In The Way....Again.

Below is from the Boston Herald.

"Tens of thousands of fuming motorists were held hostage for hours on unplowed state highways and roads yesterday, after Gov. Deval Patrick’s call for state and private employees to leave work early sent everyone hitting the streets at the same time as the snow."

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Darmouth Christmas Party

The Dartmouth Republican Town Committee just had a Christmas party and Jim Ogonowski stopped by for some egg nogg and a little pep talk. Thanks to State Committeeman Brock Cordeiro for sending this picture!
Here is Jim with Joe Schlieff, Chairman of the UMass Dartmouth College Republicans.

Young Republican Boston Event

The Young Republicans had a recent event in Boston. Here is a picture of Charlie Baker addressing the crowd.

Here is Charlie Baker giving his speech.
Here is the Chairman of the Young Republicans, Richard Wheeler.
Here is Jeff Beatty addressing the crowd.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Special Election

I posted the following on RedMassGroup and thought I should also make it available on MassRoots.

Cangiamila received 1,040 votes in Billerica.
Ogonowski received 3,120 votes in Billerica.
Romney received 7,738 votes in Billerica.
Bush received 8,472 votes in Billerica.

Arlington and Lexington were not the problems in this race. We needed a better GOTV operation and this requires a lot of campaign muscle.

Brion Cangiamila - 3,810 (33.2% of GOP registration)
Jim Marzilli - 6,273 (15.9% of Dem registration)

11, 454 Republicans
39,444 Democrats

4/4 Republicans 617
4/4 Democrats 6,619

Bush - 30,295

Kerry - 51,433
Matt Talancy, the campaign manager is going to write up an internal detailed analysis of the campaign. This will analysze our targeted universe, the type and amount of contacts on each voter and how each segment responded.

First, we knew that Arlington and Lexington were going to be very difficult for us based on election history and voter registration. We knew we had to win Burlington, Woburn, and Billerica but we had to win them with a larger margin (obviously.) Yes, the campaign went door to door and it also made a lot of personal phone calls but not the volume that we needed. We had goals of phone calls to be made per week/day to achieve our daily/weekly voter i.d. goals but we were coming up short. We need more activists and we can't wait for campaigns to find new volunteers, there are several tactics that RTC's can be doing right now to identify future GOP volunteers. If you are interested
in learning more about what you can do now, please request access to MassRootsAction

We turned the RNC "72 Hour" GOTV program into our own "96 Hour" GOTV program and our base received multiple contacts in the last 96 hours, and coordinated rides to the polls. The Grinch mailer was only one mailer out of many that we did and it was to grab the attention of the reader - it did not mobilize the Democrats since the mailer was sent to targeted houses (but they obviously obtained a copy). We were not relying on one mailer to do the trick.

Special elections are for special voters and the primary voters in each party are more more in-tune with elections. Keep in mind that the Democrat candidates spent nearly a half million dollars combined in the Democrat primary a few weeks ago. Therefore, the Democrats were really awake to the fact that there was an open State Senate seat and a special election when most people are asleep. Marzilli received 6,631 votes in the Democrat primary which is 358 more votes in the primary than he received in the general.

Also there are 6,619 hardcore Democrat voters that have voted 4 times in the last 4 elections (compared to 617 Republicans) in this district - if Brion had won, he would have had the smallest number of registered Republicans in any senate seat held by a Republican.

The blame is not with the Arlington vote. What kills me is that even if we take Arlington out of the race, Marzilli still wins with 99 votes. The problem was not Arlington/Lexington, it was weak turnout in Billerica, Burlington, and Woburn. We needed to go into the GOTV phase with more positive i.d's and we needed more personal contacts on that universe in the last 96 hours. This requires more volunteers and activists to be involved and to be doing the right things.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Cangiamila Campaign HQs

I'm at the campaign headquarters and things are very busy. We have volunteers making phone calls and knocking on doors.

Would you like to make some phone calls today? Email and get connected. This is all about turnout and we need our side to know that today is Election Day.

The campaign headquarters is in a old barber shop in Woburn. ahem... Cutting taxes and trimming the size of government.
Former candidate Doug Obey and Jim Edgerly from Lexington are here making the GOTV calls.

Sunday, December 9, 2007


The phones are ringing here in Woburn at the Cangiamila campaign headquarters. Please help out and give what you can - don't be shy. Call Matt at 508-450-4135!

Boston Globe

The Boston Globe wrote about the Special Election for State Senate. Here are a few quotes:

" 'Republicans, who hold five seats in the 40-member Senate, are excited about Cangiamila.' He is a fantastic candidate. He's a great person," said Rob Willington, executive director of the state Republican Party. 'The more he's out on the campaign trail, the stronger his campaign has become.' "

"But Democratic analysts say it's hard to conceive of anything but a Marzilli victory."

" 'I just don't see how a Republican wins that district,' said Goldman, a longtime adviser to local, state, and national Democrats and who is friends with Marzilli but not affiliated with his campaign. 'It would be larger than a miracle.' "

Yes, Brion is the underdog but this race is winnable and we need GOP activists to help. Call Matt at 508-450-4135 and get connected. The election is this Tuesday.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Thank You Andy Card!!!

The Andy Card event was a great success for Brion Cangiamila. Peter Torkildsen, Andy Card, and Brion Cangiamila gave great speeches to the packed crowed in Burlington tonight.

Here is Andy Card along with Mr. and Mrs. Lombardo. Marc Lombardo is a Selectman in Billerica.

Andy Card is talking with John MacMillan, Chairman of the Billerica Republican Town Committee. that Jim Ogonowski?....sure looks like it. It was great to see Jim Ogonowski at the event.
Here is Brion giving a great speech giving the crowed the information and inspiration for this weekend.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Andy Card - Tomorrow.

Brion Cangiamila's State Senate campaign is on December 11th and Andy Card is coming to town (Burlington) to help out. Can you come? (click below for details)

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Congressman Eric Cantor

Recently Massachusetts Republicans were able to meet with Congressman Eric Cantor (R-VA) when he came up to Boston for MassGOP fundraiser.

Below is a great video that Congressman Cantor just released on his blog.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

MassGOP Christmas Party with Cellucci

A special message from Jim Ogonowski.

The two marines running the Toys for Tots program came to present a citation. If you are interested in having the Toys for Tots program at your event this Christmas season then please contact them here.

Here is Jim Ogonowski with his former staffer Matt Talancy.
Here is Jim Ogonowski with Rob Eno (Rob is about 6''4 and Jim is VERY tall!)
Here is Sheriff Joseph McDonald, Jr. with Chairman Torkildsen (thanks Sheriff for driving from Plymouth to Hudson for the reception)
The Marines were kind enough to present the MassGOP this certificate for the Toys for Tots program.
Here is Adam Lamontagne, the newly elected School Committee member from Chicopee.

Here are two marines from the central Mass Toys for Tots program - thank you for coming and thanks everyone who brought these toys!

Here is State Committeewoman Jeanne Kangas, Robe Eno, and Marlborough City Councilor Paul Ferro.
We are in Hudson early setting up for our Christmas party. Here is Andy and Liz who are two interns at the MassGOP helping us out. Thanks Andy and Liz! (stay tuned for more photos, but they are from my cell phone so the quality is poor.)

Here is Ethan who works for Jim Ogonowski. Thanks to Ethan for coming to help set up.

Here is Lyndsay Jones from the MassGOP getting the job done before the reception.

Intro Post from Senate Minority Leader Tisei

I'm happy to post on MassRoots and I look forward to commuticating with you about what is happening (or not happening) on Beacon Hill. This blog is a great tool for me to report directly to you.

Recently, the Senate Republican Caucus hand-delivered a letter to Governor Patrick, asking him to veto special interest legislation that would allow Governor's Council members to represent private clients before the state's courts, boards and commissions in formal legal proceedings

As you know, the Governor's Council approves all judicial appointments, including administrative judges who preside over workers' compensation cases that come before the Industrial Accidents Board. Allowing members to practice law before the same justices they appoint is not only bad public policy, but a clear conflict of interest.

As was recently reported in the Boston Herald, Senator Stephen M. Brewer (D-Barre) filed the bill (Senate 2332) at the request of fellow Democrat Thomas Merrigan. Merrigan is a former judge from Greenfield who now serves on the Governor's Council but wants to continue practicing law before state agencies. In other words, this bill serves no public purpose and is all about protecting one individual's personal financial interests.

When the governor ran for office, he promised to change the way we do business on Beacon Hill. Unfortunately, Governor Patrick signed Senate 2332 last week. Special Interest - served!

- Richard

Deval's Budget Goes Up

"Gov. Deval Patrick has hiked his office payroll by $1.1 million since taking charge, a 33 percent jump over what former Gov. Mitt Romney paid his staff in 2006, a Herald review found, even as a top House lawmaker now warns of deep cuts to key state services."

"'These increases seem exorbitant given the fact that they’ve sounded the alarm about the potential deficit,' said Senate Minority Leader Richard Tisei (R-Wakefield), referring to Patrick administration projections of a $1.3 billion gap in fiscal 2009.

'How can they make the case to cut other people’s budgets when their own budget is exploding?' Tisei added."

Monday, December 3, 2007

John Blaisdell Online

John Blaisdell is running for State Representative in the Marblehead, Swampscott, Lynn district (vacated by Doug Petersen) and his website just went live. Click on the Blaisdell banner to visit his site.

John is a veteran who served our country proudly. Here is a picture of John in Vietnam in 1970.If you are on the North Shore and can help John in any way please connect with him at and let him know that you want get involved.

Contributions: this is the hardest part of campaigning. My family and I pride ourselves on helping others but this time I am asking for your help. Unfortunately running a campaign is costly and I cannot do this without your generosity. Please help me to become your next State Representative.

Please send personals checks to:

Committee to elect John Blaisdell
12 Harris Street
Marblehead, Ma. 01945

Any donation is greatly appreciated and I thank you for you generosity.

Personal checks for $200.00 to $500.00 (per person per year) must include your address as well as your employer and your occupation. (This rule is mandated by Mass. Election Laws)