In Case You Missed It!
"If we put in more people down here, for every dollar we put in, we get nearly $10,000. We can solve all of our financial problems. I'm going to offer a further amendment that we put $10 million in here. We can relish a billion dollars. Are you listening to me Mr. Speaker? I can't believe what this office does. This is unbelievable."
- Rep. Angelo Scaccia (D-Boston), in response to Rep. David Linksy's (D-Natick) suggestion that for each dollar spent on Governor Patrick's Washington DC Office, Massachusetts receives $10,000. A GOP Amendment to eliminate the funding was rejected by the Democrat Party 49-107.
"If we put in more people down here, for every dollar we put in, we get nearly $10,000. We can solve all of our financial problems. I'm going to offer a further amendment that we put $10 million in here. We can relish a billion dollars. Are you listening to me Mr. Speaker? I can't believe what this office does. This is unbelievable."
- Rep. Angelo Scaccia (D-Boston), in response to Rep. David Linksy's (D-Natick) suggestion that for each dollar spent on Governor Patrick's Washington DC Office, Massachusetts receives $10,000. A GOP Amendment to eliminate the funding was rejected by the Democrat Party 49-107.
Source: House Session, State House News Service, 4/28/09 (Subscription Required)